Successful Humboldt meeting in Berlin

Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation took place in Berlin on June 2022 with Frank-Walter SteinmeierLonglong Xia, KIT

The Annual Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation took place in Berlin on 22-24 June, 2022. More than 650 international researchers from nearly 80 countries attended the annual meeting. Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier held a reception for all the Humboldtians in the park at Schloss Bellevue on 23 June. Dr. Longlong Xia from the division of Terrestrial Bio-Geo-Chemistry in IMK-IFU attended the annual meeting and the reception. Dr. Xia was granted as a Humboldt Research Fellow in 2017 and his research work in IMK-IFU mainly focuses exploring on how carbon and nitrogen fluxes response to multiple climate change drivers (eCO2 × warming × drought) in montane grassland ecosystems.