Equity Representative at KIT/IMK-IFU
Equal opportunities for women and men are given high priority at KIT. The implementation of equal opportunities is governed by separate statutes. Goals and measures to achieve them are defined in the equal opportunities plan. To coordinate all measures, the Equal Opportunity Office was set up at KIT as a central point of contact. Equal Opportunities Officers are elected for scientific and non-scientific staff.
Due to the large geographical distance to Karlsruhe, KIT/IMK-IFU has the status of an independent branch and as such elects its own Equal Opportunities Representatives:
Dr. B. Elija Bleher
Equal Opportunities Representatives
08821 – 183 111
The equal opportunity officers and equity representatives are available to employees for advice and support in all matters of equal opportunity, e.g.
- Advice in conflicts, sexualized violence and discrimination, stalking, and problems in balancing work, studies and family life.
- Fair career opportunities for women and men (participation in hiring procedures)
- raising awareness of equal opportunities
- Committee functions (KIT Senate, division meetings, appointment committees, etc.)