Voluntary Ecological Year FÖJ at Campus Alpin

Lysimeter-Anlage mit Roboter-System

Wartung der Lysimeter-Anlagen

Biomasse-Ernte auf Lysimetern

Verarbeitung Biomasse-Proben



Wiedervernässung von Mooren


3-D-Vermessung der Landschaft




The IMK-IFU is a recognized Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ) placement site since 2004, offering one FÖJ position since then and even two positions since 2016.
The fields of activity of the FÖJ graduates is very varied and diverse. The work areas include field and laboratory work, as well as data processing and data evaluation, and represent a broad spectrum of work in a scientific research institution such as the IMK-IFU (Campus
Alpin). Here is an experience report: One year FÖJ at Campus Alpin.

The FÖJ always starts on September 1st of a respective year. Applications are to be sent directly to the support agency of the FÖJ in Bavaria, the Evangelische in Bavaria (EJB), in Pappenheim, which organizes the application procedure for all FÖJ placement sites.

General conditions

- Driving license required
- no accommodation provided
- accommodation is paid for
- meals are paid for
- age of majority desired
- start of the FÖJ is always on 01.09. of a respective year


Job description

Number of places: 2


Start of the FÖJ is always on 01.09. of a respective year.

One place resp. one position in the working group “Ecosystem Matter Fluxes”. Another place or position in the working groups “Urban and Ecoclimatology", “Regional Climate and Hydrology" and “Plant Ecophysiology“.


Work includes:

-Assistance in the support and maintenance of the automatic measuring systems for the determination of trace gas and greenhouse gas fluxes at the environmental or climate and precipitation measuring stations in the Ammer and Rott catchment area.
-Assistance in the maintenance of a soil moisture measuring network
-Participation in the backup and evaluation of the measurement data obtained at the measuring stations
-Regular collection of soil samples or water samples as well as runoff measurements
-Analysis of soil and water samples in the laboratory with regard to their chemical contents or microbial carbon and nitrogen conversions
-Participation in measurement campaigns with the mobile measurement system of the IMK-IFU at different locations
-Assistance in experiments in the greenhouse of the IMK-IFU


Evangelical Youth in Bavaria (EJB)



Applications should be sent directly to the sponsor of the FÖJ in Bavaria, the Evangelical Youth in Bavaria (EJB), in Pappenheim, which organizes the application procedure for all FÖJ placements.