Friends of IMK-IFU - VFF-IFU e.V.
VFF-IFU e.V. was founded in 1989 as a registered non-profit-making association.
Its area of responsibility is
- financial aid to support scientific projects and workshops.
- an annual award for outstanding scientific and professional performance with respect to publications, doctoral thesis or science-supporting activities presented by staff members.
- protection of the interest of KIT-Campus Alpin (IMK-IFU) vis-à-vis policy makers and the media.
There is an annual general meeting during which the members have the opportunity to gain an insight into the current scientific work of the members of KIT-Campus Alpin (IMK-IFU) and the development of the institute.The annual award is also presented at the general meeting.
The membership is open to all, e.g. former staff members, local politicians, representatives of business and industry, students, scientific bodies and interested members of the general public.
For further information please contact:
Friends of IMK-IFU - VFF-IFU e.V.
Verein der Freunde und Förderer des Instituts für Meteorologie und
Klimaforschung (IMK-IFU) – VFF-IFU e.V.
c/o KIT-Campus Alpin (IMK-IFU)
Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Tel. 08821 183-101
Fax. 08821 183-103
email: vff ∂ imk-ifu kit edu